Word To Mother's show is closing on Tuesday July 28th. Come check out the show before it closes and see for yourself what's inside the box... for those who can't make it, stay tuned. Everyone else- you've got no excuse we will be open all weekend.
word to mother
Word To Mother's show is closing on Tuesday July 28th. Come check out the show before it closes and see for yourself what's inside the box... for those who can't make it, stay tuned. Everyone else- you've got no excuse we will be open all weekend.
If you missed Word to mother's show then you missed out on some good shananegans. Arrseted motion snagged WTM before the opening and scored some prime interview time. Check it out here
And now for a visual recap
Photos below by Michael Ojeda
Photos below by Alex Tarrant
After the festivities came to an end, WTM and crew hopped to the nearest bar and began to celebrate the 4th of July early. Resulting in...
some of this...
and then, some of this...
The boys hit the town running today. They found a treasure trove of polaroid cameras at a "charity shop" as they called it. Celebration ensued...
photos by l.b.
Here's an itty-bitty sneak peak into what's coming...cheers! We're heading out to Zeitgeist! Word to Mother July 2nd
Read MoreFIFTY24SF is proud to host “Young Mind, Old Soul”- a solo exhibition by Word to Mother, U.K illustrator and painter. WTM started his informal and formative artistic training with a spray can and thirst for expression at the tender age of 12. Raised in a small seaside town, the memory of stoney beaches, crashing waves, and weathered seamen drives the story behind Word To Mother’s imagery. While the untold history of the castaway wood or tin on which he paints, lends his work undeniable charm and mystery.
His fascination with the resurrection of the discarded has led him to create some of the most intoxicating and dynamic works on the UK scene today. By integrating his own thoughts, memories and love for life, Word To Mother gives abandoned objects a life force they once lost; enhancing the original beauty of the found treasures while recalling the unspoken history held in the textures, cracks and imperfections of its past.
” I like to use things that have already existed as something else. I like the idea of objects having a past and then re-using them. Taking things that have been discarded by someone, seen as useless and then taking it home and turning it into a painting. For me, a lot of the wood and metal panels I find are beautiful without anything on them, so I try to retain as much of the original texture and colour of the object as possible".
The combined essence of the forsaken objects and WTM’s imagery remind us that we do not have tobe old in days to understand the brilliance of youth and the deference due to the past.
“For me, the idea of having a Young Mind and an Old Soul is about retaining the freedom of youth, the creative and unrestricted energy to continue to question things and to educate yourself, whilst living with a respect and understanding of the past.”- Word To Mother
We Invite you to Join us for the Opening Reception of
JULY 2nd, 2009
248 Fillmore St., SF, CA, 94117
Please email Lynzy@upperplayground.com for information regarding the preview email.